I had not planned to run in the Mountain Junkies’ Explore Your Limits this year. I had already
picked out a handful of races that I was going to run the first few
months of 2014. I have really enjoyed running at the Explore Park,
but I just need to limit myself on paying too many race entry fees.
After sitting down in January to decide what races I wanted to enter
this year, I came up with a list of 5 races I definitely wanted to
take part in during the first half of the year.
This list consisted of the Montvale 10 Miler, the Mill Mountain 10k, the BlueRidge Half-Marathon, the D-Day Memorial 5k, and the 25k at Carvin’sCove. The Mill Mountain race would be the only repeat (including distance) from last year. I would be trying the 10 mile course in the Montvale race, as opposed to the 5 mile race that I had run for the past two years. The last three races listed above would be brand new to me. These include a 5k around the D-Day Memorial in Bedford, in which I have very strong family ties. I would also be taking part in the most difficult half-marathon course I will have ever run and my first race longer than a half-marathon (on a trail too).
This list consisted of the Montvale 10 Miler, the Mill Mountain 10k, the BlueRidge Half-Marathon, the D-Day Memorial 5k, and the 25k at Carvin’sCove. The Mill Mountain race would be the only repeat (including distance) from last year. I would be trying the 10 mile course in the Montvale race, as opposed to the 5 mile race that I had run for the past two years. The last three races listed above would be brand new to me. These include a 5k around the D-Day Memorial in Bedford, in which I have very strong family ties. I would also be taking part in the most difficult half-marathon course I will have ever run and my first race longer than a half-marathon (on a trail too).
So, needless to say my plans for the
first half of the year were going to keep me very busy. But was the
Explore Your Limits race was getting closer, I had a strong desire to
take part in the race again. So, with just a few days till the race,
I broke down and registered. With the Montvale 10 mile race coming
soon, I knew I needed to spend Saturday morning getting a good trail
run in. So I figured that there would be no better way doing it that
with a few hundred Mountain Junkies!
After reviewing my race recap from last
year’s Explore Your Limits race, I remembered how I had got to race
too early and ended up sitting in my car for 30 minutes trying to
stay warm. So, I decided that I didn’t need to leave the house
until around 8am, in order to get to the race and get my packet. In
order to get out the door then, I knew I needed to get up between
7:00am to 7:30am. So I went to bed knowing that I had to get up
before 7:30am, to make sure I had time to eat and pack my bag. What
happened next was crazy.
The boys came into our bedroom and woke
us up. I glanced at the clock and saw the “20” in the minute’s
section. Of course, I was too tired to pay much attention to the
“hour” reading. I guess I assumed it was 7:30am, so I stumbled
out of bed and went to the kitchen, while the boys climbed into our
bed to snuggle with Mommy. I made my pre-race cup of coffee, bowl of
oatmeal, and grabbed a banana. Then I sat down in front of the
computer at the kitchen table and enjoyed my breakfast and coffee.
After a few minutes of browsing Facebook and eating my breakfast, it
was time hop in the shower.
As I went back in our bedroom, Anna
said, “What are you doing?” I said, “I’m getting in the
shower.” Then she said, “It is 3:30 in the morning!” What!? In
my sleepy stupor, I failed to realize it was 3:20am and not 7:20am.
This was not my brightest moment. Anna asked why I didn’t realize
the sun was not up yet. So, after eating breakfast and drinking the
majority of a cup of coffee, I had to lie back down in bed and try to
sleep for a few more hours. Luckily, I feel back to sleep very
quickly. The next time I woke up, I was sure to check entire time on
the alarm clock!
I woke up again, ate another bowl of
oatmeal, drank another cup of coffee, browsed Facebook again, and
hopped the shower (talk about Deja vu). As planned, I made it out the
door by 8am and to the park by 8:30am. There was plenty of time to
get my packet, pin my number, and take a short warm-up run. It was
very chilly on this March morning. The temperatures were going to be
below freezing up until race time. So, standing around waiting on the
race to start was not too much fun. But after a short wait, we were
off running.
After having run my best 10k time last
year at this race, I told myself that I was not trying to beat any
personal records. I went into the race with the game plan of running
a comfortable race. After dealing with a couple injuries the past few
months, I just wanted an uneventful race. Even more important, I
didn’t want to be dealing with any extra pain for days after the
race. So, with this in mind I told myself that I was not going to
look at my time once during the race. I would hear my watch beep for
the mile markers, but I was not going to peak at my time or pace.
By the time we made it to the single
track, most of the faster runners were well out in front of me. This
gave me the ability to take my own pace without feeling like I was
holding up everyone behind me. As we started a section of incline, my
side started hurting a little bit again. This is something I have
been dealing with for the past few months. The doctor believes that
is scar tissue from my surgery last year. I wouldn’t say it is
painful. It is more of a nagging issue and it feels like someone is
just sticking their knuckle right below your rib cage.
I had recently read an article in
Runners World about side stitches. Since my pain is very similar to
side stiches, I decided to try one of their recommended tips for
dealing with this type of pain. They suggested that you exhale at the
same time your opposite foot strikes the ground. I started
concentrating a lot on my breathing and it seemed to help. I don’t
know if it was just taking my mind off the pain or if it was actually
helping relieve the pain. Either way, I was able to make it through
the next couple of miles pretty comfortably.
The worst part of this course is that
the 10k runners actually share the same first 5k as the 5k runners.
So the 10k runners get to see the finish line, only to have to dive
back in the trails for another 5k. It was sort of nice to know that I
had made it to “halftime” very little discomfort. I finished the
next couple of miles at an easy pace and I started to think about
what my actual finishing time was going to be. After my 53:38
finishing time last year, I figured with my slower pace I was
probably going to be well over an hour. I expected to see an hour and
twenty minutes on the clock as I approached the finish line. So you
can imagine my surprise when I turned the last corner and saw 58
minutes on the clock.